Friday, November 9, 2007

A Fun Fact

Search for Ash Meister in google, and ma blog comes on top.
Search for sudeep.elayidom and Milf's blog comes first!! Go figure!

The reason?
He had posted some Java applet program in his blog and a line from the code has Sudeep sir's name in it -

str = "Special Thanks to:- Mr. Sudeep Elayidom, ";

And he told me that Sudeep sir got into his blog by the same method! So, sir was apparently searching for himself... Weird?
First I thought so too. But then, I wanted to search for myself in google too!

U wanna try it too, right? ;)


Caliph Obi Hint Jump said...

It's not just "some Java applet program". It's OUR program which I and Anish did for all five of us (Cran, Jo, you, me, Anish) for the DS assignment in S4. The AR in the @author JavaDoc comment is you. In the real source, our full names are there, I just shortened them.

cRAn said...

im pretty sure dat more than 50% of the people who has googled must have searched for themselves( their name) in google...